Use old hair dye bottle for painting!
The next time you dye your hair at home, try re-using the bottles for creating some messy art work! We have also used watery paint…
Art and craft ideas for toddlers.
The next time you dye your hair at home, try re-using the bottles for creating some messy art work! We have also used watery paint…
My youngest made these at school (he's aged 5). They used acrylic paints and then were varnished. They can then go outside to decorate your…
A great way to use up old potatoes from the back of the cupboard!
I found some out of date pulses in the back of my kitchen cupboards. Rather than throwing them away, I decided to take them to…
Lots of jelly fish around at the moment. Try making this jelly fish from half a paper plate, some brightly coloured strips of paper and…
Made simply with brown wool, scrunched up pink tissue paper and lots of glue!
I left my eldest with just primary colours (yellow, blue, red) to experiment with. Which colours can you make Sammy?
These hand print paintings look lovely on display. We added a little glitter to the paint to give that extra sparkle.
Use leaves, petals, twigs, grass, what ever you can find, to make a beautiful nature collage. Dandelion seeds give a lovely effect when glued onto…
This is really easy to do in a group- draw a chunky image, photocopy and leave the children to be creative! I like to use…
Some children made an abstract spaghetti picture painting. Some mums painted a face, and the children added spaghetti hair. I made a spaghetti train picture…
This is Sam's feather animal collage. Very young children will enjoy just sticking the feathers down with PVA glue, and an adult can add details to…
Half inflate balloons, dip in paint and use for printing. It gives a lovely effect. Warning: will be messy!
I can never get my little boy to do the art and craft activity, he's not interested. My mum suggested that we do something that…
I was going to do this with cotton wool, but I found some old wool and polystyrene bits that I thought would work well. The…
I painted the branches and the children printed the pink blossom. Simply created by the underneath of a plastic drinks bottle dipped in pink paint
White card kite shapes a decorate (actually done because we had lots of bits cut out and left over from the fish collage- recognise the…
This was a disaster! I have done something similar with marbles to create a lovely firework picture, so I thought I would try with polystyrene…
Just photocopied a picture of a fish (kindly drawn by my husband) and decorated with fish scales and green tissue paper seaweed.
Only do this with children who know the difference between sucking and blowing! You need to experiment a little with the texture of the paint,…