Spring flower hand print picture
These hand print paintings look lovely on display. We added a little glitter to the paint to give that extra sparkle.
Art made with handprints
These hand print paintings look lovely on display. We added a little glitter to the paint to give that extra sparkle.
I just prepared a dinosaur template made out of thick card. The children drew round using felt pen, then used handprints to make stegosaurus dinosaur (Rowan…
I like calendars that use handprints, they are so lovely to keep as a precious memory of your little ones. We made the handprints first,…
These were so easy to do and the children loved getting the paint all over their hands! What you need: coloured A3 paper black paper…
Children did this in lots of different ways. Some had adult help and used their hands, like my example- kindly provided by my 2 year…
My husband is not the most romantic of fellows, bless him, so imagine my surprise when he presented me with a home made valentine's day…
Very simple and easy to do. You could cut it out afterwards and turn into a Valentine's Day card. What you need: red, pink or…
Messy, but little ones love it, and there's no preparation! We did the finger painting first, then, when the paint was dry, we added some…
You could either do individual paintings, or create an autumn forest. The first picture was the example we did in the toddler group- photocopied A4…
I tried this using 2 methods. One, using the child's hand to create a black body, the other, using black paper. Personally, I thought the…
I made this with my children when Rowan was 6 weeks old, and Sam was nearly 3. It is one of my favourite things, something…
You can buy fabric versions of this and use fabric paints, but with such young children I decided to use card and collage bits. I…
This was very popular- and very messy! What you need paper plates (or circles of card) large paper- I used A3 yellow and orange paint…